Traducir Poker Chips
However, the most important among them are the Poker chips. Our website provides you with different options of Poker chipsets. These chipsets are available in a pack of 100, 200, 300, 500, 650 or 1000 poker chips and are complete with a pack of playing cards and extras. Be ready for playing a tournament anytime.
Smallpoker chips,coins or wooden blocks [...] can be utilized to substitute in the event of a marker shortage. | Se puede utilizar monedas, bloques de [...] madera, etc. para sustituir en el caso de que escaseen los marcadores. |
Chipping N Stackingpoker chipsfor fun and profit. | Apilamiento de Fichas de Póquer Para la diversión [...] |
They need to know what a potato tastes like if it is not made into crisps orchips. | Necesitan saber cómo sabe una patata si no está cocinada en forma de patatas fritas. |
[...] leaders are playingpokerwith the Union's future [...] in the last chance saloon. | [...] europeos están jugando al póquer con la última oportunidad [...] para el futuro de la Unión. |
[...] also sell onlinepokergames and multimedia [...] software aimed at creating platforms to make the games accessible to surfers. | [...] también juegos de póker en línea y programas [...] informáticos multimedia para la creación de plataformas [...]a partir de la cuales los internautas puedan acceder a los juegos. |
Or satisfy salt cravings with pretzels instead ofchips. | [...] los antojos de algo salado con pretzels en lugar de totopos. |
The driverchipsare now socketed [...] | Los chips del driver son ahora [...] |
[...] the ace in ourpokergame. | [...] nuestro juego de póquer. |
One of its luxury two-storey suites was remodelled in Playboy style, with a cascade [...] swimming pool andapokertable. | Una de sus ya de por sí lujosas Two Story fue remodelada al estilo Playboy, con piscina con [...] cascada y mesa de póquer. |
[...] gym, sauna, rotating bed,pokertable and large terrace [...] with sunbathing area and bar. | [...] sauna, una cama rotatoria, mesa de póquer y una gran terraza [...] con solárium y barra. |
If I grab a handful ofchips,he tells me that's [...] | [...] un puñado de patatas fritas él me dice [...] que eso no es bueno para mí', dice Perrone. |
Dark chocolatechipsinfused with [...] our own pure, 100% gourmet coffee, give these artisan cookies a flavor all their own. | Chispas de chocolate oscuro mezcladas con [...] nuestro café de Costa Rica 100% gourmet, le dan a estas galletas artesanales un sabor inigualable. |
The production of memorychips,circuit boards, and capacitors [...] requires expensive and sometimes scarce raw materials. | Para la producción de chips de memoria, platinas o condensadores [...] se necesitan materias primas caras, y muchas veces escasas. |
Prepare a bean dip for tortillachipsor baked tortillas you cook yourself. | Prepare un aderezo de frijoles para totopos o tortillas que usted mismo haya cocinado. |
[...] 25 hands of videopokerin a single game! | [...] 25 manos de video póker en un solo juego! |
A small woman with a powerful voice and no-nonsense attitude, she wearsapokerface that breaks periodically into a beaming smile. | Una mujer de baja estatura y poderosa voz, con actitud decidida, su rostro se mantiene inexpresivo -- excepto por sus periódicas erupciones de sonrisa. |
I was furious after losing loads of money in an onlinepokertournament. | Estaba hirviendo de ira después de haber perdido mucho dinero en un torneo de [...] |
[...] a bit likeapokergame. | [...] como un juego de póquer. |
[...] conventionalpokerrules concerning [...] how hands are formed and each hand is played using a new deck of 52 cards. | [...] las reglas del póker convencional [...] en lo que se refiere a como se forman las manos y cada mano es jugada [...] |
The compatibility of the proposed introduction of so-called European Union passports containingchipswith these same rules remains to be debated, however. | En cualquier caso, aún está por debatir la compatibilidad con dichas normas de la propuesta de introducir los llamados pasaportes de la Unión Europea con chips incorporados. |
The woodchipsare only chopped, [...] not defibrated, and the resulting boards are not as supple nor do they have the bending strength of hardboard. | Los pedazos de madera sólo son desmenuzados, [...] no son desenfibrados, y los paneles resultantes no son tan flexibles ni tienen [...] |
With this in mind, one delegate said the last few days had resembledapokergame, with parties gambling on other players declaring their hands before them. | Con esto en mente, un delegado dijo que la dinámica de los últimos días le recordaba a un juego de poker: las Partes apuestan con otros jugadores que muestran sus cartas antes que ellas. |
Also,apokerbecomes hot from contact [...] | También un atizador se calienta al entrar [...] |
[...] come and play roulette,pokeror other games in magical [...] surroundings. | [...] jugar a la ruleta, póquer y otros juegos de azar [...] en el mágico entorno |
A selection of Da Ponte quality presented in elegant, goldenpoker-worked wooden gift boxes. | Selección de la calidad firmada Da Ponte, presentada en prestigiosas cajas de madera pirograbadas en oro. |
Wahls soon realised that he could earn an even better [...] livelihood asapokerplayer or trainer. | Wahls pronto se dio cuenta de que podía ganarse la vida incluso [...] mejor como jugador de póquer o entrenador. |
Newco: a joint venture responsible for designing and [...] operating an onlinepokerinternet site in France [...] [...]French market in internet games of chance and gambling. | [...] encargada de la concepción y la explotación [...] de un sitio internet de póker en línea en Francia [...] [...]del mercado francés de juegos de dinero y azar. |
[...] kids to wear a'pokerface' until they [...] are clear of any danger (smiling or laughing may provoke the bully). | [...] 'poner cara de póquer' hasta que estén [...] a salvo de cualquier peligro (sonreír o [...]reírse quizá resulten una provocación para el agresor). |
In order to get closer to young people and to avoid participation [...] collapse, the made, as inpokergame, a total bid. | Con la idea de acercarse a los jóvenes y evitar un desplome de la participación, [...] hicieron, como en el póker, una apuesta total. |
[...] have to bet, andpokeris risk, it's bluffing, [...] it's making other believe that you're [...] | En un momento de la obra escuchamos: 'En la vida has [...] de apostar, el póquer es arriesgar, es [...] [...]demás que tienes la jugada de tu vida'. |
- All Poker Chips You’ve already won because here is where you’ll find everything you’ll ever need for placing your winning bets, whether they be minute, in-the-middle, or monstrous. Any level of player should love our large selection of quality poker chips that are neatly organized on our site, so it should be easy to locate whatever you.
- Drink Token Poker Chips Custom Clay Poker Chips designed online utilizing our state of the art design platform allows you to make customized Poker Chips from one of our many templates, or build yours from scratch!
- Clay poker chips are the most popular choice of chip when playing poker. They have distinct sound and feel to them. This gives you an overall better playing experience. Once you play with clay chips, you won't want to play with anything else. All of the clay poker chips are made with a clay/composite material blend.
- Poker chip (English to Spanish translation). Translate Poker chip to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.
You will find that clay chips stack better than composite poker chips, beacause they are less slippery. The chips with graphics have a label inlay on them. These label inlays are recessed into the face of the chip, unlike ceramic poker chips, which the graphics are part of the chip.
All clay poker chips have some percentage of composite materials in them. The composite materials give the chip strength. A 100% pure clay chip would be extremely brittle and easy to break. Even our casino grade poker chips which have a higher percentage of clay can be broken in half, if you try to break them.
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Generally, the more expensive a clay chip costs, the higher the percentage of clay it is made with. It is more complex to manufacturer chips with a higher clay content.
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Weight has nothing to do with quality. Our highest quality chips are the 10 gram chips. The weight of a chip is is purely personal preference. Our most popular chips are the heavier 14 gram clay chips.
All clay chips that weigh more than 11.5 grams have a metal insert in them to give them their weight. The larger the weight the heavier the chip.
Traductor Poker Chips Online
All of our clay chips are either 39mm or 40mm in diameter. The thickness of most of the chips are the same too.